Creation and Edition of Multimedia Content

Tools for creating mutimedia content
Information processing is an essential part of modern society.
In this topic we’ll learn to record, produce and edit multimedia material in its different formats.
Multimedia design covers the design and design and processing of texts, photos, videos, sounds and animations,
manipulated and stored on a digital medium. The areas where it is used include graphic design, desktop 
publishing, web design and video design.
Apart from the classic ways of acquiring multimedia material (e.g., cameras, microphones, video cameras, etc.) 
modern society now has mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, which are extremely useful for 
obtaining this material. In addition, mobile devices usually include specific software for editing multimedia 
material and publishing it directly online.
Consequently, we can now talk about hipermedia. This term refers to the fact that images, sounds and 
animations, among others, can be added to hypertext (web page links).
This topic is divided into four large blocks, each referring to different areas multimedia content:
Editing bitmap images.
Bitmap are images made up of pixels (each pixel is a small square storing information on colour, brightness, 
contrast, etc.).
GIMP: is the best free alternative to commercial digital editing software. It lets you process vector drawings and
digital photos. LEARN GIMP IN 30 MINUTES | Complete Tutorial for 
Beginners Learn 
GIMP Tutorial - Day 1 - Size Crop Rotate and Flip Learn GIMP Tutorial - Day 2 - Logo Design
Editing vector graphics.
Vector images are digital images consisting of independent geometric objects (segments, polygons, arcs, etc.), 
each of which is defined by mathematical calculations. The advantage of this type of image is that the size can 
be increased without loss of quality and each part can be easily identified and modified.
The main program we will learn to use is Inkscape.
Audio editing
Audio editing is the process by which a sound file is produced from one more previously recorded files, mixing 
sounds, applying effects and filters, and so on: in short, modifying their characteristics.
In this chapter, we’ll find out what codecs are and learn about the different audio formats (with or without 
compression and with or without loss), among other things.
Audacity is the open source audio recording and editing program we’ll learn to use over the following pages.
no hay archivos de sonido
Video editing
Video editing consists of assembling video, audio and potos, etc. Into a video film, including titles, credits, 
effects, frame transitions, etc.
The program we are going to use to practise is Microsoft Windows Movie Maker. LEARN MOVIE MAKER IN 15 MINUTES ! 
Bitmap images
Digital bitmaps are images made up of pixels (each pixel is a small square storing information in colour 
brightness contrast, etc).
The images we take on mobile phones, tablets or photo and video cameras are bitmap images.
The main drawback is that they lose resolution when enlarged.
Dimensions or size. The size of a bitmap image is defined by two whole numbers corresponding to the width 
and height of the image in number of pixels. For example, 1600x 1200 (widthx height).
Resolution: This parameter indicates how much detail can be viewed in an image. We can define it as the 
number of pixels per inch (1 inch = 2,54 cm), i.e. it expresses the densitiy of pixels in the image. Logically the 
more pixels there are to an inch, the better the image will look and the more it can be enlarged without losing 
quality. Resolution is expressed as pixels per inch (ppi).
A print resolution of 200 ppi or above can be described as good quality resolution. Internet images generally 
have a máximum of 70 ppi, because monitors are incapable of displaying a higher priint resolution. If we 
increase the image resolution, this affects the space it occupies when saved because increasing the number of 
ppi means we store more information and therefore the image will occupy more disk space.
To find out the máximum print size of a bitmap image, we have to divide the width and height (in pixels) by the 
resolution (in pixels per inch).
Calculate the máximum print size (in cm) of a photo with a print resolution of 180 ppi and a maximum quality of
3648 x 2736 pixels.
To obtain the print size, divide the width and height by the resolution. To convert into centimeters, remember 
that 1 inch = 2,54 cm.
b) Calculate the total resolution of the  digital camera used to take the photos (i.e. the total number of 
megapixels). To find out the resolution of the digital camera we need to know how many pixels wide and high 
the image can be and then multiply them).
3648 x 2736 = 9980928 pixels = 9.98 megapixels
Repeat the previous operation for a print resolution of 200 ppi. Why is the print size smaller than in the example
GIMP 2.8.16
The GIMP histogram is a graphic representation of pixel luminosity in an image. The left of the histogram shows 
the dark shades of grey and the right shows the brightest highlights. To access the histogram, go to 
Ventanas/Dialogos empotrables/Histograma.
The program allows different parameters to be altered to retouch the images:
Exposure: the amount of light captured in the image. For correct exposure, the histogram data must be centred,
with no peaks or troughs. The mean should be as close to possible to 128. The deviation is an indication of 
contrast and should be between 40 and 90.
We can correct the exposure levels by going to Colores/ Niveles and moving the exposure triangles under the 
Brightness and contrast:
When we talk about brightness we are referring to how bright an image is, i.e., if it is light or dark. Contrast 
shows us the difference in intensity between a given point and its surrounding, which allows us to emphasize 
colours. We can modify these parameters in Colores/Brillo y contraste.
Gimp Tutorial: How to brighten shadowed subjects
Hue, lightness and saturation. Hue is the colour of the image, lightness is the degree of light or dark saturation 
is the purity of the colour. We can modifiy these parameters in Colores/Tono y saturación.
Colour curves and levels. The curves tool, one for the most powerful in the program, allows us to correct the 
colour and tone of the image, adjusting the lightness and darkness of each pixel. The levels tool can be used to 
level the range of colours in a layer. Both are accessed from the Colores menu.
Colour balance. Another tool that allows us to adjust the colour is the colour balance. This tool is especially 
useful for photos taken indoors, with a camera set for outdoor photography. It is accessed from  
Gimp: Course For Beginners 10: Correct a Color Cast With the Color Balance
1 Scalling, saving and exporting images. GIMP Tutorial - Two Ways To Scale Or 
Resize Images. Save or Export an Image as JPEG, PNG, 
GIF, etc - GIMP 2.8 for Beginners
Changing the size of the canvas and cropping.
2 Retouching images
How to Retouch Photo in Gimp Healing tool - GIMP Beginners' Guide ep99
Heal tool
Clone tool Simple Tutorial for Clone and 
Healing tools in Gimp


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